Monday, January 15, 2018

Oprah Winfrey for president? Yes indeed!

Oprah will make a good president after the Trump era. She probably wont have to fight too hard to win the elections either. Americans love her and she always had the last word. A very grand lady, quite centered, and kind. Great choice for the first female president of America.

The Trump effect

Trump has provided the much needed comic relief in international politics. The world has stopped looking at America to solve their problems knowing too well that Donald Trump will spend no American resources except to give some opinions in the choicest words. Hence many problems are getting solved without American involvement and that is a good thing. Donald Trump also relies heavily on military men for war advice and everyone knows that the military will easily give up their lives at stupid commands from their political leaders and yet hate unnecessary wars more than anyone else. Meanwhile Donald Trump is busy looking for business opportunities for America. Thus it is all good for America. The media has treated Donald Trump poorly but History will judge him fairly.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Why the Israel-Palestinian conflict is a two state solution

The Jewish people need a country. If Israel and Palestine were to be one country, clearly Jewish people will be outnumbered. Without true democracy apartheid and terrorism will persist. Both the Jewish people and Palestinians have no real home except where they are now. It is better to draw a sensible border and then people who decide to stay on one side of the border become citizens of that state.